Industrial Rehabilitation

The staff of Broken Arrow Physical Therapy provides comprehensive rehabilitation for all industrial injuries. The staff utilizes advanced techniques to return the injured worker back to his/her previous occupation without restriction. Each individual will receive a thorough initial evaluation. Then together with the patient and physician we will develop a treatment approach that best suits the individual. Broken Arrow Physical Therapy also offers work conditioning and Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE).

Work Conditioning Physical Therapy

Work conditioning is when an injured worker is prepared for return to work through specific exercise as it relates to the injury and job duties. We do this by mimicking the stress/strain that will be encountered during the individual’s typical workday. By completing a work conditioning program at Broken Arrow Physical Therapy our work conditioning patients are given tools to build strength and improve mobility, as well as an education on body mechanics and injury prevention so they can safely return to work. Work conditioning programs are a key component to a smooth transition into the workplace.

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)

An FCE allows a patient to return to work safely or to assist in identifying which physical deficits may be present. A Functional Capacity Evaluation is typically a 2 to 4 hour evaluation that ensures an accurate determination of an employee’s abilities and/or return to work readiness. The purpose of the evaluation is to assure a safe and sustained return to duties. The evaluation can be used before, during or after rehabilitation. Our FCE uses cross-checks for validity and reliability of measurements. The tests can also be used to determine possible reasons for delayed recovery or inconsistencies in the employee’s test results.

Sprains and Strains

Our team specializes in musculoskeletal injuries including sprains and strains. Broken Arrow Physical Therapy has physical and certified hand therapists on staff. This means from larger injuries involving the trunk and spine, to smaller injuries involving the hand and wrist our team of experts have the tools necessary to get our patients back to work as quickly and safely as possible.

Call Us: 918-449-1332