Urge Congress to Help Prevent Senior Falls-

Urge Congress to Help Prevent Senior Falls

Did you know that falls are the #1 cause of injury in people over 65? Fortunately, a falls expert – a physical or occupational therapist – can help reduce the risk of falling by providing seniors with a fall risk assessment.

Urge your lawmaker to support the SAFE Act: CLICK HERE TO ACT NOW!

APTQI Safe ACT - Help Prevent Senior Falls

A falls risk assessment allows a therapist to examine a patient’s balance, home setup, strength, flexibility, reflexes, and walking pattern. If there is a risk for a fall, the therapist can guide how to make a home safer, exercises that can help patients remain independent for longer, and instructions for using walking aids such as canes and walkers.

However, Medicare currently does not cover a falls risk assessment and fall prevention services by a therapist as part of a senior’s annual wellness exam.

Imagine the amount of injuries and deaths that could be prevented if seniors were able to access a no-cost falls risk assessment by a therapist!

Recently, lawmakers in Washington have introduced legislation to help. The Stopping Addiction and Falls for the Elderly (SAFE) Act (H.R. 7618) would allow seniors to access a no-cost falls assessment, done by physical or occupational therapists, at annual wellness visits and initial preventive physical exams. It will also lead to fewer opioid prescriptions and subsequential overdose rates among older Americans, as data show that seniors engaging in physical therapy are less likely to require emergency room visits or hospitalizations and are less likely to resort to opioid-based medications for pain management.

We need your help today to improve the quality of life for our aging population and reduce the burden of falls on our healthcare system. Join the movement to safeguard our seniors and increase access to life-saving fall prevention services.

Urge your lawmaker to support the SAFE Act: CLICK HERE TO ACT NOW!

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