How to Use Exercise to Help Improve Your Posture-

Use Exercise to Help Improve Your Posture

Poor posture is sometimes inevitable. With many people working jobs that require long periods of sitting, the tension in our muscles isn’t uncommon. Aside from this, poor posture can also be caused by general muscle weakness, technology use, injury, stress, and even genetics.

Failing to correct your posture can ultimately lead to increased health issues—like frequent headaches, spinal dysfunction, difficulty breathing, and indigestion. Good posture can help us breathe easier, digest food more efficiently, and help us feel more confident.

Keep reading to find out how you can easily improve your posture through exercise.

4 Exercises to Try To Correct Poor Posture

To correct your posture, grab your workout clothes, open space, and some water to perform these exercises to help build your core and back muscles, lengthen your spine and stretch your body.


1. Cat and Cow Pose

Not only does the cat and cow pose help improve your posture, it can also help relieve stress, calm the mind and improve coordination.

Here’s how:

  • Start on all fours.
  • Get into cat position by curling your shoulders downward and pushing your hips toward the ground to curve your back upward.
  • Then, get into cow position by pushing your hips upward and your stomach toward the ground.
  • Alternate between cat and cow post for one minute.


2. Pigeon Pose

If you tend to sit for long periods of time, your body will naturally build up tension in your back and hips. Pigeon pose is excellent to combat this as it helps open up your hip flexors and lower back muscles. A bonus: it also helps increase your flexibility and supports healthy digestion.

Here’s how:

  • Begin in a downward-facing dog.
  • Bring your right foot forward into a lunge position.
  • Bring your right shin down to the ground, perpendicular to your body.
  • Bring your left leg down flat on the ground.
  • Hold the stretch for one minute, then repeat on the opposite leg.


3. Side Plank

Side planks help strengthen your core without putting too much stress and pressure on your lower back—the perfect move for correcting poor posture.

Here’s how:

  • Lie on your side with your elbow on the ground under your shoulder to support your body.
  • Push your hips and knees off of the ground.
  • Hold this position for 10-30 seconds or longer if you’re comfortable, then repeat on the other side.


4. Crunches

Crunches are one of the most popular exercises for improving core strength needed for good posture, but they also help increase the mobility and flexibility of this muscle group.

Here’s how:

  • Lie on your back with your feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  • Cross your arms over your chest or place them at your side.
  • Sit up to engage your core muscles, then lie back down.
  • Repeat for 4 sets of 10 to 20 reps.

Incorporating these simple yet effective exercises into your daily routine can help you stand up straight in no time. For more workouts, you can do to improve your posture, check out the infographic below.

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